Europe driver shortage could triple by 2026


Choosing the right truck - 1

If no action is taken, the shortage of truck and bus drivers in Europe could triple to over two million, the IRU report says.

Data shows that heavy truck and bus driver shortages are getting out of control, fuelled by an increasing demand for transportation services and a widening gap between new hires and retiring drivers.

Without actions to make the driving profession more accessible and attractive, Europe may need over two million drivers by 2026, affecting half of all freight movements and millions of passenger journeys.

Although driver wages are up to five times higher than the average minimum wage, the report highlights the difficulties in accessing the driving profession, especially for young people, and its appeal to women.

Safety, especially for female drivers, is crucial to making the profession more attractive, with 95% of truck drivers and 94% of trucking companies placing it as their top priority. However, only 3% of existing truck parking locations in the EU are certified as safe.

Another obstacle is the minimum age for obtaining a qualification. It is still 21 years old for truck drivers in five EU countries, and between 21 and 24 years old for most bus drivers in the EU, which is a barrier to school leavers.

High licensing and training costs are also a challenge. In France, a truck driving license costs €5,300, more than three times over the average monthly minimum wage, while in Germany, a bus license costs an average of €9,000, more than four times the minimum monthly wage.

The report outlines 20 solutions, currently being implemented by road transport associations, companies and shippers. Public authorities must also take action to prevent this shortage from escalating, including:

- Setting the minimum age for driving a truck at 18 years old with the start of training at 17 years old;

- Subsidizing license and training costs for new drivers;

- Building more safe and secure parking areas.

The report takes into account statistics from six countries, representing two-thirds of the total road freight transport sector in Europe, and four countries for passenger transport, representing 28% of the total volume.



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